Adele James

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The 10 Best Online Furniture Shops

Malaysia has a wide selection of online furniture shops. Because of their attractive and well-designed furniture, the bulk of them are worth checking out. The furniture is of the highest calibre, and customers can select their preferred price range.

Do You Like Tea? Take A Look at The 2022 INSTEA Menu

No matter where you are, you can bet that Instea will be there for you. They have locations all over the country including Negeri Sembilan, Perak and Selangor. Whenever you feel that craving for a refreshing and delicious tea, just head over to Instea. If you prefer coffee, you won’t be disappointed either as they offer a choice selection of coffees as well. 

The Top 10 Water Purifiers in Malaysia 2022

Everybody needs water to survive; that's a fact. We recommend consuming at least 8 glasses of water daily to prevent dehydration. Unfortunately, you can't just turn on the tap and consume the liquid. You don’t know what is living in that water, and chances are, you will get sick. In this article, we have compiled a list of the 10 best water purifiers in Malaysia. 

Breaking Down the Gender Walls

Do you notice that there is a difference in the way men and women are treated? Sometimes, it is totally unprovoked. However, other times a man and a woman can be doing the exact same thing and still there is a stark contrast in the reactions of those around them.

Top 8 Nail Salon KL has to Offer

In this day and age, self care is very important, not just in looking after your physical self but also your mental state. Some people can find that sort of relaxation in simple activities such as reading a book, listening to classical music or playing an instrument. Many other people turn to treatments such as facials and spas to get their fix of relaxation.



Deanamirhussain (Exclusive Interview): The Youngest Music Director In Malaysia

Deanamirhussain, a well-known young photographer and music video director, started his passion way back from high school. Honestly speaking I’ve known Amir personally since...

5 Best Omakase Restaurant in KL & Selangor (2022)

Do you understand the meaning of the Japanese word Omakase, which is commonly heard in Sushi restaurants?  The term Omakase literally translates as "I...

The Best Malay Wedding Packages in KL 2022 (Updated)

Malay Wedding Packages in KL From Most to Least Affordable Planning a wedding is a huge task that often involves a lot of stress. You...

Diana Nuzuin (Exclusive Interview): Making Pretty Things In-between The Chaos

Diana Nuzuin, juggling in-between the chaos of being a mother, wife and an entrepreneur. After her hit book ‘7 Tahun 7 Hari’ in 2015, Diana...

Malaysia 2024: The Tax Tsunami – Are We Ready?

Malaysia 2024: The Tax Tsunami – Are We Ready? As we step into the Year of the Dragon, Malaysia faces a financial reality check with...