Sharifah Natasha
SEO content writer in Teh Talk that loves to play games and use coffee as coping mechanism.
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7 Reputable Wedding Planners in Malaysia That You Must Check Out!
7 Reputable Wedding Planners in Malaysia That You Must Check Out! 1. Zuriee Ahmad Concepts Sdn Bhd 2. Sugar & Spice Events 3. Pretty Little Things 4. Love & Love Wedding & Events 5. Yellow Leafz 6. MEMOS 7. XO23 Wedding Events
Beauty & Fashion
6 Best Skin Specialists in Penang
Skin is one of the largest organs that we own. Therefore, the problems with our skin can't be ignored and need to be taken care of. However, we need to find credible and professional skin specialists. With the price, quality and services provided, is it worth it to go to that specific clinic? In this list, we are looking for the best skin specialist penang.
8 Best Catering Services Kuala Lumpur & Selangor
Catering services Kuala Lumpur could help to ease up any events. Catering services makes it easier for anyone that has occasions or events. Usually, catering is used for weddings, corporate events, social event gathering, concession events and special occasions. In this list, let’s look at 8 catering services in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor.
Taboo Series
Why Sex Education For Children Is Important in Malaysia
Sex education, which has been discussed by numerous people about whether sex education should indeed be taught in schools, has been the subject of controversy. Due to the rapid expansion of knowledge, there has been a rise in demand for sex education in schools. Today's kids are eager to study all of the new things that have cross their path, especially non-pictorial concepts like sex.
Cara-cara Solat Maghrib Yang Lengkap(Beserta Rumi)
Solat merupakan tiang agama. Solat Maghrib ialah solat harian ke-4 dalam Islam dan merupakan salah satu daripada solat fardhu. Hukum solat maghrib adalah wajib untuk setiap muslim dan berdosa jika ditinggalkan. Jika tertinggal solat Maghrib,...
Solat Jamak dan Qasar : Niat dan Signifikasi
Solat jamak ialah mengumpulkan dua solat dalam satu waktu. Sebagai contoh, waktu zohor dikumpulkan bersama solat asar atau solat asar kepada zohor. Manakala, solat qasar pula ialah memendekkan solat daripada 4 rakaat menjadi 2 rakaat....
Cara Melaksanakan Solat Sunat Sebelum Subuh
Umat Islam wajib menunaikan solat. Bagi solat fardhu, terdapat lima waktu untuk menunaikan solat. Solat, atau sembahyang adalah aspek yang penting bagi iman seorang Muslim. Solat Subuh, adalah yang pertama daripada solat fardhu. Namun, terdapat juga...
Solat Tasbih & Solat Tahajjud untuk Amalan Qiyamullai
Apakah Qiamullail? Dan mengapa saya sebut tentang solat Tasbih dan solat Tahajjud? Qiamullail merujuk kepada amalan sunat untuk beribadat. Qiamullail ialah satu amalan sunat yang bererti ‘bangun pada malam’ iaitu bangun dari tidur dengan tujuan...
Pelaksanaan Solat Istikharah (Niat, Cara dan Penjelasan)
Solat mendekatkan diri seorang hamba kepada Allah SWT. Masa solat ialah masanya kita berbincang dengan Pencipta kita. Kebanyakan kita boleh bercakap dengan sahabat dan keluarga kita; dengan cara yang sama, iaitu solat, masa yang berharga ini...
Top 5 International Medical University In Malaysia
Malaysia is an excellent place for students seeking to further their studies. It is ranked 25th among the Southeast Asian countries in the QS...
Plumbing Services Near You: Best Plumbers In Malaysia
You should contact available plumbing services in Malaysia that could come over and fix those leaking pipes for you.
Top 10 Malaysia Cosmetic Brands to Try Out in 2022
Nurul Azira - 0
Cosmetics are among the essentials needed by everyone. In the olden days, we have still bounded by the stereotypes that cosmetics are only for women. The truth is cosmetics are for all and that’s why we are going to look into our top ten Malaysia cosmetic brand that you should try out in 2022. Some of them might be familiar to you but there are a few that are holy grails and you would be the lucky ones to find out about them. We don’t want to waste more time so let’s find out about these brands.
5 Ways Influencer Marketing Will Evolve In 2022 (Updated)
From now on, brands are going to be more selective of the influencers they choose.
The Importance of Website Designers for Small Business
Using websites to advertise small businesses is vital at this time due to the sheer rapid growth of technology. – Should small businesses hire...