Nowadays , we can buy services or goods and also we can promote it on the internet. That’s what we call e-commerce. We also use the internet to make transactions, transferring the money to the data and complete the transaction. What is E commerce and what does it do. E Commerce used to describe the sale product on the internet. It also can describe any form of internet-enabled trade. Even though e-business encompasses all aspects of a business online, e-business deals specifically with the selling of service and goods.
E commerce history began when a guy sold a CD to his friend through his website on August 11,1994. This is the first ever eCommerce event in human history, a man purchasing goods on his friend’s website. It was a huge trend back then. Tons of companies take this marketing idea to expand their business. After that time, E commerce has expanded across online retailers and marketplaces to make it easier to find and purchase products. Big business, small business and independent freelancers . The benefit from online business, which allows to sell their service and goods on a scale that could be impossible with traditional of-line retail
E-Commerce Types
Actually E commerce models have four types that would describe nearly all transactions that occur between business and consumers.
- Business 2 consumers: you as the consumers buy goods from a business. (you bought watch from a online shop)
- Business 2 business: when business provides service to another business (a company sells a service to another business company)
- Consumer 2 consumer: consumer sells service or goods to another. ( Sell you belonging on
- Consumer 2 business: a consumer sells their service and goods to a company. (offer photographer license to be use to company)
Example Of E-Commerce
In these transactions, E commerce can take a series of forms involving opposing transaction relationships between consumers and businesses as well as exchanging different objects.
A business selling a product directly to a consumer without a middleman.
Export products in bulk, frequent to manufacturers who market them directly to customers.
Drop Shipping
Sale of a product, produced by a third party and shipped to the consumer.
Digital Products
Downloadable digital products, courses ,media or template and , whether they are qualified or approved.
A set of capacities or abilities in return for remuneration. The service provider could buy the time as a fee.