Just a little backstory of the Covid-19 pandemic. The Covid-19 pandemic was initially reported in Wuhan, China, and the virus then spread worldwide which then turned into a global pandemic where many countries were severely affected by it.
As the Covid-19 pandemic has affected the economy of many countries as many businesses of business owners due to the strict SOP (standard operating procedure) to curb and slow down the spread of the virus.
Not only that this pandemic has affected the financial situation of many, but many people’s mental health was also affected as we were confined to our homes and many other strict measures to curb the virus.
As much needed measures were needed in order to beat the virus and also for survivability, the Covid-19 pandemic has sped up and changed a lot of things that no one would think is possible or possibly become the ‘new norm’.
In this article, here are the things that will be listed down to demonstrate the things that quickly became the new norm due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
How The Covid-19 Pandemic Change Things Up
The use of contactless payment
In the days of pre-covid, the use of contactless payment were not as popular as it is today. What are the examples of contactless payment? Contactless payment is where users make a payment with their e-wallets such as Grab pay, Touch n go, Boost and many more. Besides just using e-wallets, users also use their debit cards to make payments now instead of cash.
At places like Pasar Malam or coffee shops in Malaysia, it did not seem like it’s possible where the use of e-wallets will be widely accessible as places like this normally are not technology-friendly as many stall owners only accept cash as a form of payment in the past. Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, consumers now have the accessibility to use an e-wallet to pay.
New norm for working
In the past, the office workspace was filled within the capacity available in the workspace. Now, as the society is beginning to shift from pandemic to endemic where we are expected to live with the virus, office workspace is still practising within the SOP where half the workers will be working in the office, and the other half will be working from home – thus, making a rotation for to the batches.
Besides that, remote working is turning into a norm. In the days of pre-covid, it was a rare thing to see people working from home. Now, remote working has become such a thing that some companies might implement a fully remote working environment in the possible future.
As mentioned, many companies in the past would never have thought that the possibility of working from home is possible as it is feared that working from home won’t operate well and the productivity won’t be as good as compared to working on-site.
Online class
Similarly to on-site working, no one thought of the possibility of conducting classes online, particularly for Malaysia’s primary and secondary schools. The ways of traditional teaching have changed dramatically, where in the past, students would have to physically go to learn, to do their homework, and to submit their work.
At present, particular for college/university students, there are some instances where if the lecturer is unavailable to teach on that day, students will still be able to access the learning materials as the lecturer will record the lecture beforehand and post it on the colleges’ own education site such as Edmodo or blackboard.
Using Social media to expand business
How do business owners practically in the food industry do to survive throughout the ordeal? Many have turned to social media to not only adapt to the situation but to also expand.
Many of the business owners solely operate their business by running their physical shop. As the Covid-19 pandemic SOP has restricted the number of people from going out, many of these business owners suffer as the number of visitors and customers dwindle.
In order to survive, many businesses have opted to expand their business by using social media such as Facebook, Instagram and even Shopee so that customers can order through their page. With that, they also do delivery as well which is something that many business owners did not do before the pandemic.
Increase of gig-economy
The definition of gig-economy is “a labour market characterised by the prevalence of short-term contracts or freelance work as opposed to permanent jobs”.
In order to survive financially during the tough times of the pandemic, many have sought to gig-economy either as a side job to earn extra income or by doing it as a temporary job.
The jobs available when it comes to the gig economy are flexible as there are jobs like – food and parcel delivery, grab driver, freelance writer, virtual assistant, graphic designer and many more.
Because of this, some have even switched by doing this as a full-time job as some earn more income in comparison to their previous job.
With that being said, the Covid-19 pandemic has definitely changed the world as none of the things listed was deemed to be possible during the age of pre-pandemic. Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, some of the things have been sped up technology-wise with the likes of cashless payment and even in the healthcare industry
Besides that, there are some of the things where it will become the new normal such as remote working and even workplace rotation.
To conclude this article, this is something that we will need to get used to as we may not go back to the ways of the pre-covid times. Slowly but surely, we are seeing great progress in handling this pandemic, only time will tell how it goes in the future.