Natalia Nizam

20-year-old student with a passion for writing, researching and languages. Mental-health enthusiast, striving to spread awareness. Always up to try new things and to take on an adventure.

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DIY Home Spa Ideas Using Items In Your Home

Many of us are overburdened with responsibilities in life and neglect to care for our own needs. This is especially true for people who are heavily burdened with caring duties. Self-care to relax at home is a vital part of stress management, even if it's difficult to prioritize when you have so much else to accomplish.

Best Places To Have Picnics In Malaysia

There's a good reason why picnics in Malaysia have endured throughout history. Picnicking shows the human desire to take a break and have fun, even if we tend to overbook ourselves or glamorize "being busy." Relaxation is a great pleasure that picnics enable you to experience when you settle down with your loved ones and savor bites of delicious, freshly-prepared meals together.



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When I ask you about Putrajaya Attractions, how much do you know about Putrajaya? The only instant image that pops up from our mind will be

Why You Need Wedding Videography and Photography On Your Big Day 2022 (Updated)

Wedding Videography and Wedding Photography Malaysia - Why do you need it? On your big day, there will definitely be a tremendous amount of cherishable...

Live Music KL: 3 Places To Catch Live Bands in KL

As a college student, there’s only one route to take when the urge to listen to music kicks in and NOT at home alone...

Eyebrow embroidery places around KL

The eyebrow embroidery experts would find the empty areas on your eyebrows and add some hair lines to them

Mental Health Services And Benevolent Organizations

Mental health services are deemed one of the most underfunded services across the globe with only a few nations pay attention to. Despite coming...