Aiman Aminudin

Writing, thinking, writing, thinking.

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Sex Toys 101 Malaysia

While it is deemed a common phenomenon for human beings to experience sexual desire every now and again, members of rather conservative cultures still perceive this as a taboo topic in which they are petrified...

Ramadan In Malaysia: Staying Healthy While Fasting

The 24th of April marked the beginning of Ramadan in Malaysia in 2020. Practicing Muslims around the country and the entire Islamic world began their fast on the first day of the holy month and...

Ramadan In Malaysia: How Covid-19 Is Affecting The Holy Month

Muslims around Malaysia and around the world are preparing to face Ramadan like no other. With the lock-downs in place, and not really knowing when they would end, Muslim families around the country await for...

8 Best Halal Chinese Restaurants In KL & Klang Valley 2022 (Updated)

Here’s a fun fact, there are around 20 million Muslims living in China, and not just immigrants, but Muslims who have been there for centuries. From the Hui to the Uighur. So it is no...

Should Men Deforest The Jungle Down There?

Click here for more articles related to sex & relationships! OK, so maybe the title has made you confused, so let me just tell it to you straight. In this article which you are about to read, I’ll...

4 Female Malaysian Authors That You Need to Know in 2022 (Updated)

Books! Can you imagine an entire world laid out on pieces of paper? It's pretty cool if you think about it, and books are pretty cool too! Malaysia is no stranger to unique individual stories...

Art Gallery in KL: 5 Art Galleries For All You Art Fans

Art has a big place in Malaysian culture, it's everywhere. From traditional art to new modern contemporary. So here are 5 art galleries in Malaysia for you to check out! You can also check out our...

Best Karaoke in KL: 4 Spots To Sing Your Tunes in KL!

Karaoke, the best gift Japan has given next to cars, anime and sushi. In Malaysia, we love our music, and better yet we love to sing our favorite tunes, no matter what are voices may...

Live Music KL: 3 Awesome Places To Listen to Live Music in KL

They say music is best when it's live. The art of music creation happening in front of you, the bass of the drum vibrating the room the powerful singing voice echoes throughout and the energy...



Water Purifiers and filters- Pros and Reliable Brands

Water purifiers, which were once considered a luxury available to only the richest of the rich, have become a necessity. In today’s day and...

Kuala Selangor Attractions: 7 Things You Can Do

There are plenty of unique attractions in Kuala Selangor, so if you're planning a trip here soon, here are 7 things you can do.

Kamelia Cosmetics: A Rising Malaysian Cosmetics Brand

Adding colour to your lips is never foreign - it has been done for centuries. In this article, we’ll focus on lipsticks and lip...

The Top 5 Laser Hair Removal Clinics In Malaysia

You are looking to get laser hair removal to remove the unwanted body hair from your body. But, you don't know which clinic to...

Top 9 Malaysia Online Grocery and Supermarket with Delivery Services

Due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, Malaysia online grocery platforms are in trend. Local residents prefer to do purchases online and have the items...