When writing an article, you would usually focus on the body of it rather than the headline. However, you should actually be paying attention to the headlines too. If you think your content is important and not the title of it, then you are wrong. People usually read articles based on what the headline says.
A boring and dull headline would cause people not to even read the first line of your article. Put it this way, no matter how nice of a person you are, nobody would approach you if you do not look presentable. First impressions matter, even when it comes to online articles.
Moreover, a headline is important is giving out the gist as to what the article is about. Nobody would bother reading your entire article if the headline does not make sense. The headline grabs the attention of it’s reader so if you have written an article worthy of lots of traffic ensures that your headline is just as good or even better.

Definition of a Good Headline
When it comes to coming up with a headline for an SEO website, it has to be more than just pretty words strung together. As compared to creative articles that would usually go for complicated and creative headlines and SEO article should be the opposite. The headline should instead capture the essence of the problem that the target audience is facing or introduces a topic that could improve their lives.
The key to writing a good headline for your SEO article is to ensure that it makes sense to the targeted audience and it promises to give value. Besides, another thing about a good headline is that it should be short and simple.

Types of Headlines
The ‘Best/Easiest’ headlines
As humans it is our desire to want only the best. So, typically these headlines will attract people towards reading your article. They want to know how to do a certain thing in the most impressive way. Also, at times being the best isn’t enough. Admit it, we all look for shortcuts. This is way the easiest headlines might also work for your article.
Start your headline with The Best Guide or The Easiest Way and it will attract your target audience as they want to know only the best or they want to find the simplest way to solve something.
The ‘It’s a Race’ headline
Next is a headline idea, if you have impatient target audience. It’s for those who want to be fast and efficient. Use words such as fastest or quickest in your headline. Your audience will most likely click on your article then.
The ‘If I Were You’ headline
Sometimes we do not being thought on how to do something. Some people prefer knowing why it should be done instead of how to do it. This type of headline will work, especially if you have a target audience that questions a lot. It’s normal for people to need to know why they should do something before even doing it.
Be smart when choosing your words, choose something that would shock people such as “Why you should stay away from Instagram” As instagram is currently the most social media app, people would definitely want to know why your article is denying use for it.
The ‘What We Do When’ headline
Instead of keeping secrets to yourself why not try telling it to your audience. People love being trusted, it makes them feel special. Try being transparent with your audience and show them that you trust them through your headlines. This way they will be able to trust you as well.
The ‘Backed By Science’ headline
Instead of a headline that is plain why not base it on research. This way your readers will know that you’re not lying as there are facts to support your statement. This headline works best especially if you have older readers who are not easy to please.
The ‘Why X People Do X’ headline
Moving on, it is common for people to be influenced by people they trust, This is why these kind of headlines might be the right way to grab your reader’s attention. Use well known celebrities or role models that would appeal to your target audience.
For example, The Best Workout Tips to Look Like Kylie Jenner. It is also essential to know who your target audiences are. This is because the name Kylie Jenner might not be an inspiration to everyone, so it’s best to do your research before including celebrity names to your headlines
The ‘Experience Has Taught Me Well’ headline
These types of headline is effective as it prompts your reader to understand that you have faced the same problem. When someone knows that you are talking based on a mistake you made in the past, you will be able to gain their trust.
This way they will know that there are ways and solutions to cope with the issues they are facing. Articles that prove you have learned something because you experienced it will get you more traffic.

The List Headline
People love having many options and various ideas. A headline that tells the audience your article for instance, provides 5 Ways Calm Your Baby or 10 Wedding Dress Trends will get your articles more reads. Using numbers can be a way to attract attention.
The Don’t Headline
Headlines that tells your reason not to be dumb or not to be ignorant would immedietly draw their attention. People hate making mistakes or being the last to know about something. Examples of these headlines are; Don’t Miss Out on These Famous Dessert Stores or Ways To Avoid Being Stuck In Traffic. So based on the examples, you would somehow understand why readers would want to continue reading. Either they don’t want to be left out or they do not want to make a stupid mistake.
The Competitive Headline
Lastly, is an example of how your headline would avoid any third party opinions from interfering. You could compare yourself to your competitors and control the review. This is also a low-key way of stealing audiences from your competitors.

How To Choose A Headline
Now that you have head some of the best ways to come up with a headline, you will now need to know on how to actually select the right one for your article.
List down at least 25 different headlines you think would suit your article and pick the right one. Keep in mind that the headline needs to make sense in relating to your article
Ask Opinions
Sometimes, the best decisions come from a different point of few. Show the list of headlines that you have written down to another person. Their perspective might just be able to help you.

Keywords are naturally important when it comes to SEO articles. This is why your keyword should be considered to be included in the headline.
Know Your Audience
Your headline and article are meant to reach out to your target audience. This is why it is important for you to understand who they are. By doing so you will be able to set the right mood and deliver the right expectations
So, hopefully this guide helps you out when you are writing a headline for your next article. By now you should have understood why it is important, the different types of headlines and how to settle with the right headline for your article.