Your blog offers your followers and viewers the ability to read and gain knowledge from the content they need. You will consider this as a publicity tool to bring back to the website. Making your blog the base of all of your website’s social networking platforms to let people learn. Give a reason for your social followers to visit your platform. This can also be a platform for you to make money from home. For starters, here are nine tips and tricks to start blogging as a newcomer.
Blogging Tips and Tricks From The Professionals
· Get Ideas From Your Audience
This can be a great way for people to get ideas on the topics that will help your blog grow.
· Understand Your Audience
Understanding the audience further will give you a better idea of the standard of the web, which is a good start when writing posts on the web. One clever way to do so is to first ask your followers on Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn for an informative quotation. When people respond on the content they want, it is actually a great content to write about.
· Build Your Email List
If you invite your readers to sign up for your email list, you may want to experiment with different languages.

· Love Your Existing Readers
Concentrating on the readers is the best way to really know them and also what they want.
· Focus On Building An Amazing Call-To-Action
It is a great way to make sure that other blog posts have interactions with readers and viewers for the future of your blog
· Give Stuff Away
A clear example is from the analysis made by Incentivibe which noticed a rise around 125 percent more subscribers after giving away gifts for free to their readers on their website.

· Give Away Your Knowledge
Share your experiences rather than saving it for a rainy day
· Write Catchy Headlines
Check out several articles to decide and think for catchy headlines because catchy headline will be the best to perform in your blog.
· Keep It Short
It can be difficult when finding out the best length of words for blog entries. Normally, to be search engine-indexed you need at least 300 characters, but otherwise your article must be as long as possible.