Take Care of Your Eyes with Eye Specialist 

Hey there. Did you know that eyes are a part of human senses? The human senses are the parts of the human body that provide important things to humans. It covers various senses namely eyes, ears, nose, mouth and skin. Yes, the five body parts are known as human senses or panca indera manusia in Bahasa Melayu. 

eye specialist

In the point of view of science or biology, the human senses are one of the sources in the body parts that are trusted and usually known to be valid and authentic. 

Let’s Talk About Eyes

First and foremost, let’s talk about eyes – Eyesight comes from the eyes. 

Biologically speaking, the eyes consist of the eye muscles, eyeballs and optic nerves as well as eye accessories namely eyebrows, eyelids, and eyelashes. This eye accessory serves to protect the eyes from interference. Eyebrows serve to protect the eyes from sweat, eyelids protect the eyes from bumps and eyelashes protect the eyes from strong light, dust and dirt.

eye specialist

The functions of the visual senses are as follows: The cornea of ​​the eye functions to receive light stimuli and pass them on to the deeper parts of the eye. Moreover, the eye lens functions to continue and focus light so that the shadow of an object falls onto the eye lens. The iris serves to regulate much of the little light that enters the eye. The pupil serves as a channel for light entry. The retina functions to form a shadow of an object which is then sent by the optic nerve to the brain. The optic muscle functions to regulate the movement of the eyeball.

Why Must We Take Care of Our Eyes 

eye specialist

The function of the eye is very important for humans. Therefore, his health must always be maintained. Well, there are several ways to maintain eye health that you can do. With healthy eyes, you can see clearly and carry out your daily routine more comfortably.

Every activity that is carried out daily, cannot be separated from the role of the eye as a sense of sight. Although its function can decrease with age, you can still make various efforts to maintain eye health and prevent various eye diseases.

Common Eye Problems and Characteristics:

  • Blurred eyes at any distance.
  • Distorted view.
  • Tired eyes.
  • Strabismus – a condition of the eyes that are not parallel to each other.
  • Headache.
  • It’s hard to drive at night and sometimes the view looks two.
  • Eyes often blink or often close eyes.

Do you experience any of these stated symptoms? Please go see an eye doctor as soon as possible.

Here Are Some of the Eye Specialist Doctor That You Can See: 

KL Eye Specialist Center 

eye specialist

At KL Eye Specialist Center, they believe in providing the best possible care for your eyes, which are one of the most essential organs in the body. To provide this care for your eyes, this clinic is outfitted with cutting-edge facilities, with simplistic diagnostic medical equipment, in which their team are passionate, and qualified. A full team of resident ophthalmologists,  optometrists, super specialists, an orthoptist, and a great number of nurses are dedicated professionals. 

Here, the treatment started from basic one such as general ophthalmology examination to power checking, oculoplastic vitreous and retinal disease management. Then, they also provide more complex treatments such as cataract extraction and computer vision syndrome management. 

Vista Eye Specialist 

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Vista Eye Specialist Doctor

Second eye doctor recommendation is Vista Eye Specialist. This clinic has many branches so it is easy for anyone to stop by. There are about 10 branches located in Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Penang and Johor Bahru. 

Experiencing dry eyes? Check them out. Moreover, the clinic was awarded with many awards and recognition with 40 years experience in this field. Go and seek some medical consultation for your eyes if needed. 

Malaya Optical 

Moving along, the next eye specialist that you can seek is Malaya Optical. Malaya Optical, they are one of Malaysia’s most trusted and respected optometrist clinics. They have 10 practicing optometrist on staff that can assure you of high-quality vision care using cutting-edge technologies. They also ensure that all of their optometrists are well-trained on the most recent breakthroughs in lens technology

eye specialist

Do you experience eye problems like myopia or short-sightedness? There are alternatives to wearing spectacles or contact lenses all day. However, this clinic is an expert in Orthokeratology, sometimes known as “ortho-k,” also known as corneal reshaping (CR), corneal refractive optical treatment, and vision shaping.

Do you have myopia or short-sightedness? In addition, there are alternatives to wearing spectacles or contact lenses all day. Orthokeratology, sometimes known as “ortho-k,” is also known as corneal reshaping (CR), corneal refractive optical treatment, and vision shaping.

Visit their blog; https://www.malayaoptical.com/ if you are interested in more eye blogging content. They have some pretty interesting content regarding eyes as well.

How to Take Care of Your Eyes 

  • Wear Eye Protection 

Whenever you are outside, wear glasses with UV protection to prevent eye damage from the effects of sunlight. If you use dangerous tools, always wear glasses

safety to prevent dust and chemicals from getting into your eyes. 

  • Exercise Regularly.

Blink your eyes and practice some eye exercise if you have been sitting in front of a screen all-day long. Moreover, get some off-screen time.

  • Get Enough Sleep.

Make sure that you have enough sleep. Your eyes might dry out or be stressed from pulling an all-nighter too repetitively.  

  • Have Good Nutrition

Last but not least, proper nutrition plays an important role in maintaining eye health and can prevent eye diseases. Make sure that the daily food taken to some extent can provide important nutrients to maintain eye health. Practice eating foods that are rich in vitamins A and C like carrots and vegetables. 


In a nutshell, take care of your eyes as we are only gifted with a pair of eyes. If it is damaged, it will cost a fortune. It might also cost you to lose your eyesight. Please maintain good eye health by practicing some of the tips given above and visit a specialist if needed. 

Sharifah Natasha
Sharifah Natasha
SEO content writer in Teh Talk that loves to play games and use coffee as coping mechanism.







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